a20 suspend problem

Started by Linux4sbc, November 11, 2013, 12:45:50 PM

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I have problem width a20 suspend mode (battery powered).
Linux image: ULTIMATE A20 Debian release 5.

Board not wake'ups, when press power (or any other) button for 1,2,3
If keep pressed power button longer, board goes completely to OFF.

Problem may by in sleep mode because power consumption in sleep mode
is the same as in working mode: ~ 0.2A.

The same problem is when suspend from XFCE4 or bash
"echo -n mem >/sys/power/state" or "echo -n standby >/sys/power/state" or "rtcwake -s 10 -m mem"

Some diagnostic:
# cat /sys/power/state
standby mem
# cat /sys/module/pm/parameters/standby_axp_enable

Please help to resolve this problem.

Thank You.

Sorry for my English.



Can somebody confirm, that exist some one OLinuXino product with working (in real) suspend mode for battery application in Linux?



Same problem: after suspend (hibernate and ram.conf only enabled in hibernate.conf) I unable to awake board by any button. Only power-off/on works after suspend to RAM :(
And BTW power off/reboot also works buggy - sometimes 'halt' command works but sometimes it causes board to reboot just after shutdown


Same problem happens when the board is connected to mains.

The graphical interface can't wake up from suspension, although the board is reachable from ssh.

Disabled every power saving feature through the graphical interface and mine has been working 24/7 for 5 days now: torrent, amule and DLNA server. So far, so good.


Hm, thanks. This (reboot instead of powerdown) really happens when powered from mains supply. When working from battery - halt does powerdown as expected.
As I understand this is by-design behaviour? Anyway this is also OK for me.


Was born any solution for this wake up unability? I think this is a serious problem, I am very curious to the olimex official position about this issue.


Isn't it a software issue?  May even not be supported fully in current A20 Linux, but if it is then the challenge is to fight Linux to find what needs changing/configuring.

Do Olimex offer such software support?

Maybe it works on other A20/A10 hardware in which case you might find how the software is set up for it.



Hi all,
I've found solution:
In FEX file switch off PMU:
pmu_used = 0

After this my Olimex A20 works about 3 days.