A13 Debian Linux SD Card Image in Wiki

Started by cprogrammer, November 28, 2012, 05:42:30 PM

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I found in the Olimex Wiki https://www.olimex.com/wiki/A13-OLinuXino#Software

this Image:
A13 Debian Linux Image Debian SD card image on A13-OLinuXino board without X, includes: Mplayer CLI, GCC.

What's about this Image?

I only had to copy it on a SD Card with disk dump?
Any Ideas?


yes, I jusy uploaded it and will blog tomorrow how you make your own SD card with this image :)



Hi, Olimex

I tried this linux SD card and it works fine. They are things that works in your version that does not work with the one I build and I don't know why. Is it possible to get the .config file that you used to build this kernel ?

Thank you !


Which program you are using to transfer Debian image to SD card? I try with DiskImage 1.0 (http://dubaron.com/diskimage/) but Olinuxino A13 WiFi board still boot Android (Android report "SD card need to be formatted"). Maybe my problem is 8GB card instead only 2GB?


just type:
dd if=something.img of=/dev/sdX, where X is the partion ext3 or ext4 from your sdCard.

But first you need to create at least two partitions, boot and file system partions. The partition mentioned above is file system partion. Look here: http://olimex.wordpress.com/2012/10/12/building-bootable-sd-card-with-debian-linux-image-for-a13-olinuxino/


Thanks for help. Debian 6.0.6 is up and running on second partition. Simple dd copy 2GB image on my 8GB flash wont work because different head/cylinder/tracks configuration. I managed to build u-boot and created /dev/sdc1 (vfat 16M) and /dev/sdc2 (ext3 7+GB). My first attempt to copy files with SD card inside foto camera end up with black screen but after purchasing proper card reader everything went smooth. Copied all necessary files from Debian archive and got login prompt  :)
After wlan2 configuration I downloaded Xfce. Process was very long, over 4 hours (download 20 min, but unpacking was very long).
I have another question: while I work with A13 Olinuxino WiFi board from time to time I experience system halt like CPU is in idle (I monitor power supply current which is constant during those periods). Some time it is enough to try to open empty directory with mc without X started resulting with 5 seconds halt (I can switch to other consoles but no commands are accepted). Booting time to Xfce login prompt is around 60 seconds  and additional 25 to  desktop with icons. With built-in Android I did not notice such a problems. Is it my flash card? It's brand new, Kingston microSD 8GB. From kernel messages I could not conclude anything about my problem.


Addition to my last post: I managed to install and run OpenSuse 12.2 on A13 OlinuXino WiFi board with same results. My flash card is Class 4 which is good for camera but slow for OS. Maybe Class 10 will work better?
Does it Olimex plans to publish instruction howto install Linux on internal flash?


Update: with microSD card class 10 (Transcend TS8GUSDHC10 8GB declared for 20MB/s or 133X) booting time is 50% shorter.


Can any one plz help me in copying the debian image in sd card


Quote from: khamar24 on February 15, 2013, 12:39:51 PM
Can any one plz help me in copying the debian image in sd card

Follow the instructions here.