Kali-Linux on A20-OLinuXino-LIME-4GB ?

Started by Akarix, July 13, 2014, 06:37:29 PM

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Hello, I'm wondering if it was possible to install Kali-Linux (armel/armhf) on the A20-OLinuXino-LIME-4GB.

Thank you in advance,
Best regards,


Why make extra work for yourself (probably a lot of it)?



Because I'm more comfortable on this system, and it includes many of the tools I need


So go find out how to build it.  Don't they have a web site / forum /anything?  Go reading, get building.

Try building one of the mainstream Linux versions like Debian - see the wiki - so you know how to make a normal ARM Linux.

You're likely in a user base of one on here!




Kali Linux states to be based on Debian Wheezy - should be possible to add the Kali specific packages with
apt-get install ....

Maybe, you have to adjust /etc/apt/sources.list in order to fetch Kali Packages.

(seems a lot easier than porting)

-- rfk


Thank you to you
Yes, but they made ​​no tutorial above.
I'll try to base myself on another tutorial (eg that to install Arch Linux), and then replace some manipulations


Quote from: Akarix on July 14, 2014, 12:01:07 PM
Thank you to you
Yes, but they made ​​no tutorial above.
I'll try to base myself on another tutorial (eg that to install Arch Linux), and then replace some manipulations

Assume, you have a running Kali Linux system:
Look into /etc/apt/sources.list
there should be some lines like
deb http://ftp.at.debian.org/debian/ wheezy main
(this is from an intel debian)
The corresponding file on A20 - Debian file looks like:

deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ wheezy main contrib non-free
deb-src http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ wheezy main contrib non-free

Now add the Kali specific to /etc/apt/sources.list

apt-get update

aptitude will bring up a text windows where you can search ("/"), add ("+") and remove ("-") packages
To get a list of installed packages

dpkg -l >my_packages.txt
on both, your Kali Linux and A20-Debian helps to compare installed an missing packages
Manual pages exists for all these programs (apt-get, dpkg, aptitude)

As written before: this is for sure the easiest way to get your packages onto debian.

-- rfk


First thank you to you.
Then suppose I follow this tutorial: https://www.miniand.com/forums/forums/development--3/topics/kali-backtrack-linux-1-0-4-native-armhf-how-to-guide
Of course, it is only available on the "Hackberry", but does not she have the same configuration (almost) the OLinuXino?
So if I do these manipulations, do you think this could work?

Thank you in advance
Best regards,


sorry, but no idea about Hackberry and deatils of Kali Linux. It might be possible to their image since the A10 ist the same family - BUT: the SoC is only one part of the game!
Why not install the packages you want into the Olimex provided image?
-- rfk


And If I try to put the image of Kali Linux armhf on an SD card, and I introduce the OLinuXino, there-he has a chance to boot it Kali?


Feel free to go your way!
As JohnS earlier wrote:
QuoteYou're likely in a user base of one on here!

-- rfk


Yes, but if I could get advice from more experienced people ... it might help me
But add packages Kali-Linux was a good idea, but implemented in the latter function can be very useful ...
In addition, I have not ordered my OLinuXino, so I can not perform tests ...


Trying to do something that's not mainstream means you have to put work in.  Quite possibly you'll need to make several attempts and be logical and careful.  Expect hours or days of work as you learn.

Or stick with something mainstream.
