Olimex Support Forum

OLinuXino Android / Linux boards and System On Modules => A13 => Topic started by: pjwl on November 08, 2016, 10:07:47 AM

Title: A13-OlinuXino crash on boot-up
Post by: pjwl on November 08, 2016, 10:07:47 AM

I have a A13-OlinuXino board with the kernel from Sunxi(3.4) and Debian Jessie rootfs and a battery(LiPo 3000mAh) connected to it.

Now I have a strange problem.. when I connect the battery and then press on the power button, the board boots up and the login screen appears.

When I login and do some stuff and then give the command "shutdown -P now" the board correctly will shutdown.. after about 10 seconds when I press the power button again the board boots up, but now hold on the following phrase:

[sw_hcd0]: usb host driver initialize........
[sw_hcd0]: open_usb_clock
[sw_hcd0]: host_init_state = 1
[sw_hcd0]: platform is usb host
[sw_hcd0]: sw_hcd_host0: ConfigData=0xde (UTMI-8, dyn FIFOs, bulk combine, bulk split, HB-ISO Rx (X), HB-ISO Tx (X), SoftConn)
[sw_hcd0]: sw_hcd_init_controller: sw_hcd_host0: USB Host mode controller at f1c13000 using PIO, IRQ 38
<6>sw_hcd_host0 sw_hcd_host0: sw_hcd host driver
<6>sw_hcd_host0 sw_hcd_host0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
<6>hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
<6>hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected
is_on = 1, hcd0_set_vbus_cnt = 1
[sw_hcd_host0]: Set USB Power On

After this nothing works any more, a long press(more 10secs) on the power button does nothing and also pressing the reset button does nothing.. plug-in the adapter also has no effect. The battery is fully charged, I checked it twice.

The only thing that will work is to disconnect all the power supply and reconnect it again, but when I do the above descriped situation, the same thing happend..

Script details:

usb_used = 1
usb_port_type = 1
usb_detect_type = 0
usb_id_gpio =
usb_det_vbus_gpio =
usb_drv_vbus_gpio = port:PG12<1><0><default><0>
usb_host_init_state = 1

usb_used = 1
usb_port_type = 1
usb_detect_type = 0
usb_id_gpio =
usb_det_vbus_gpio =
usb_drv_vbus_gpio = port:PG11<1><0><default><0>
usb_host_init_state = 1

pmu_used = 1
pmu_twi_addr = 52
pmu_twi_id = 0
pmu_irq_id = 0
pmu_battery_rdc = 200
pmu_battery_cap = 5200
pmu_init_chgcur = 300
pmu_earlysuspend_chgcur = 600
pmu_suspend_chgcur = 1000
pmu_resume_chgcur = 300
pmu_shutdown_chgcur = 1000
pmu_init_chgvol = 4200
pmu_init_chgend_rate = 15
pmu_init_chg_enabled = 1
pmu_init_adc_freq = 100
pmu_init_adc_freqc = 100
pmu_init_chg_pretime = 50
pmu_init_chg_csttime = 720
pmu_bat_para1 = 0
pmu_bat_para2 = 0
pmu_bat_para3 = 1
pmu_bat_para4 = 5
pmu_bat_para5 = 7
pmu_bat_para6 = 13
pmu_bat_para7 = 16
pmu_bat_para8 = 26
pmu_bat_para9 = 36
pmu_bat_para10 = 46
pmu_bat_para11 = 53
pmu_bat_para12 = 61
pmu_bat_para13 = 73
pmu_bat_para14 = 84
pmu_bat_para15 = 92
pmu_bat_para16 = 100
pmu_usbvol = 4000
pmu_usbcur = 0
pmu_usbvol_pc = 4000
pmu_usbcur_pc = 0
pmu_pwroff_vol = 3300
pmu_pwron_vol = 2900
pmu_pekoff_time = 6000
pmu_pekoff_en = 1
pmu_peklong_time = 1500
pmu_pekon_time = 1000
pmu_pwrok_time = 64
pmu_pwrnoe_time = 2000
pmu_intotp_en = 1
pmu_used2 = 0
pmu_adpdet =
pmu_init_chgcur2 = 400
pmu_earlysuspend_chgcur2 = 600
pmu_suspend_chgcur2 = 1200
pmu_resume_chgcur2 = 400
pmu_shutdown_chgcur2 = 1200
pmu_suspendpwroff_vol = 3300
pmu_batdeten = 1

Title: Re: A13-OlinuXino crash on boot-up
Post by: JohnS on November 08, 2016, 10:35:29 AM
The software needs a fix.  If you can't do it, you might try reporting the bug on a Linux-related place and then hope.

Title: Re: A13-OlinuXino crash on boot-up
Post by: pjwl on November 08, 2016, 12:32:31 PM
Thanks for the reply..

Is the fix needed in the USB section?
Title: Re: A13-OlinuXino crash on boot-up
Post by: JohnS on November 10, 2016, 01:03:00 PM
I posted in case you thought it was a hardware issue.
