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OLinuXino Android / Linux boards and System On Modules => A20 => Topic started by: cedric on August 15, 2014, 03:50:35 AM

Title: hybrid debian/ arch linux image
Post by: cedric on August 15, 2014, 03:50:35 AM
Hi All,

i have tried to  run an Arch linux image on my A20-OLinuXino-MICRO-4GB. This image was unstable, the system frooze 3 times in a few hours. The image I've used (revision 2)is here:

The official debian image from here is rock-solid, it has never frozen sofar:

I wanted to see if it was the uBoot, kernel or scrip.bin that's causing the freezes, so I have prepared an uSD card with uBoot, image and script.bin from debian, and the rest from arch linux. I now have a system that boots, and can be reached from ssh. It does not create an image on my HDMI TV.

Here are the steps I have taken:
1)download A20_debian_kernel_3_4_LAN_USBx2_Cards_LCD_HDMI_SATA_TS_X_GPIO_OTG_MIC_Video_accel_release7.7z

2) write the image to a SD card. I have used a 32GB card, but only 4 GB is used.
$ 7z e A20_debian_kernel_3_4_LAN_USBx2_Cards_LCD_HDMI_SATA_TS_X_GPIO_OTG_MIC_Video_accel_release7.7z
# dd if=A20_debian_kernel_3_4_LAN_USBx2_Cards_LCD_HDMI_SATA_TS_X_GPIO_OTG_MIC_Video_accel_release7.img of=/dev/mmcblk0

3) mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 en leeg de partitie
# mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 /mnt
# cd /mnt
# rm -rf *

4) untar ArchLinuxARM-sun7i-latest.tar.gz:
# tar -C /mnt -xvf ArchLinuxARM-sun7i-latest.tar.gz

I forgot to restore the kernel modules from debian, maybe when I do that I get an image on the HDMI screen.

Kind regards,
Title: Re: hybrid debian/ arch linux image
Post by: cedric on August 15, 2014, 08:06:19 AM
I now have copied the modules from debian. Now my digitenne receivers work, but I don't see anything on my screen yet, and I don't have /dev/fb0

Kind regards,
Title: Re: hybrid debian/ arch linux image
Post by: cedric on August 16, 2014, 01:12:23 PM
I have figured out when the image freezes. The culprit was cpupower. After installing it, the system crashes when it changes frequency. It also crashed when cpupower frequency-info is executed.

After disabling cpupower, my arch system has not crashed yet. Before installing spupower, it has also not crashed.

So it turns out I don't have to go through the trouble of making an arch linux image myself.

Kind regards,
Title: Re: hybrid debian/ arch linux image
Post by: cedric on August 17, 2014, 09:20:45 PM
I have figured out why there is nothing on the screen. The solution is here:

in the .config of the kernel, the following lines have to be set to 'y'


Then the kernel can be build like described here:

Kind regards,