[SOLVED] SPI wiring

Started by shug, February 06, 2015, 12:24:01 AM

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I'm (still) trying to connect my MFRC522 RFID reader to my A20-Olinuxino board.
I'l not sure to plug it the correct way. Here is what I've done :

Olinuxino   MFRC522
1 (VCC)      VCC +3.3v
2 (GND)      GND
9 (SCK)      SCK
10 (SSEL)   SDA
?         RST

I'm not sure about pin 10 (SSEL <-> SDA) because UEXT has another pin called SDA (pin 6) but it seems to be related to I2C mode, not SPI.
Other problem: where must I connect the RST pin ?

Thank you !

PS: photos here :
A20 side : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-5_R9fvKEcPaGVrUE9ERlNjSlk/view?usp=sharing
MFRC522 side : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-5_R9fvKEcPNVBSR3U3aFZnME0/view?usp=sharing


Auto answer : everything was ok except that I had to cross MOSI/MISO.