LED activity

Started by splite, May 12, 2015, 05:47:14 PM

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Hey !

I'm going to put my olimex in a plastic box and I would like to make a LED activity on that one.

Does anybody ever try that ?

I found something about LED configuration on the Fex Guide from Sunxi http://linux-sunxi.org/Fex_Guide#led_configuration

The configuration could be something like this:

leds_pin_1 = port:PH20<1><default><default><0>
leds_name_1 = "ph20:green:led1"
leds_trigger_1 = "heartbeat"

What I understood, the green LED "Heartbeat" is connected to the pin PH20 which is corresponding to the GPIO3 pin 33.

Can I solder a LED on that pin with a resistor and solder the other end to the ground ?

Would it work ?

Thank for any advices!


Yes, but I reccomend using a connector, the GPIOs are quite sensitive. The LED configuration inth the FEX file cab be seen in my loder post here https://www.olimex.com/forum/index.php?topic=3156.msg13226#msg13226. BTW, you can look into the schematcis, there is at least one LED connected this way.