Olimex Support Forum

Others => UEXT => Topic started by: masacate on April 07, 2015, 09:45:50 AM

Title: MOD-WIFI-ESP8266 Reflashing question
Post by: masacate on April 07, 2015, 09:45:50 AM
I have a problem trying to flash the MOD-WIFI-ESP8266 Board (2MBytes SPI flash), I have read related post about but I must be doing something wrong
I compile the at of sdk esp_iot_sdk_v1.0.1_b1_15_04_02 as follow because I have a 2 MBytes flash

ESP8266_SDK/at > bash ./gen_misc.sh
Please follow below steps(1-5) to generate specific bin(s):
STEP 1: choose boot version(0=boot_v1.1, 1=boot_v1.2+, 2=none)
enter(0/1/2, default 2):
boot mode: new

STEP 2: choose bin generate(0=eagle.flash.bin+eagle.irom0text.bin, 1=user1.bin, 2=user2.bin)
enter (0/1/2, default 0):
generate bin: user1.bin

STEP 3: choose spi speed(0=20MHz, 1=26.7MHz, 2=40MHz, 3=80MHz)
enter (0/1/2/3, default 2):
spi speed: 40 MHz

STEP 4: choose spi mode(0=QIO, 1=QOUT, 2=DIO, 3=DOUT)
enter (0/1/2/3, default 0):

spi mode: QIO

STEP 5: choose spi size(0=256KB, 1=512KB, 2=1024KB, 3=2048KB, 4=4096KB)
enter (0/1/2/3/4, default 1):
spi size: 2048 KB


make[1]: se ingresa al directorio «/opt/Espressif/ESP8266_SDK/at/user»
DEPEND: xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc -M -Os -g -O2 -Wpointer-arith -Wundef -Werror -Wl,-EL -fno-inline-functions -nostdlib -mlongcalls -mtext-section-literals -DICACHE_FLASH -I include -I ./ -I ../../include/ets -I ../include -I ../../include -I ../../include/eagle user_main.c
make[1]: se sale del directorio «/opt/Espressif/ESP8266_SDK/at/user»
make[1]: se ingresa al directorio «/opt/Espressif/ESP8266_SDK/at/user»
xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc -Os -g -O2 -Wpointer-arith -Wundef -Werror -Wl,-EL -fno-inline-functions -nostdlib -mlongcalls -mtext-section-literals -DICACHE_FLASH -I include -I ./ -I ../../include/ets -I ../include -I ../../include -I ../../include/eagle -o .output/eagle/debug/obj/user_main.o -c user_main.c
xtensa-lx106-elf-ar ru .output/eagle/debug/lib/libuser.a .output/eagle/debug/obj/user_main.o
make[1]: se sale del directorio «/opt/Espressif/ESP8266_SDK/at/user»
xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc -L../lib -nostdlib -T../ld/eagle.app.v6.new.1024.app1.ld -Wl,--no-check-sections -u call_user_start -Wl,-static -Wl,--start-group -lc -lgcc -lhal -lphy -lpp -lnet80211 -llwip -lwpa -lmain -ljson -lupgrade -lsmartconfig user/.output/eagle/debug/lib/libuser.a -lat -Wl,--end-group -o .output/eagle/debug/image/eagle.app.v6.out

Support boot_v1.2 and +
Generate user1.1024.new.bin successully in folder bin/upgrade.

later I flsh it with FLASH_DOWNLOAD_TOOLS_v0.9.3.1_141118 using (and putting the jumpers to UART mode)

boot_v1.3(b3).bin in offset 0x00000
user1.1024.new.bin in offset 0x01000
blank.bin in ofsset 0xfe000
blank.bin in ofsset 0x17e000

In flash size I put 8Mbit (2MBytes=16 Mbits)

everithing seem right but when put the ESP8266 in operating mode (jumpers to FLASH mode) and I try to acces the ESP8266 through a terminal I have not response.

What am I doing wrong

Please help
Title: Re: MOD-WIFI-ESP8266 Reflashing question
Post by: masacate on April 07, 2015, 01:35:55 PM
Sorry, I put
"In flash size I put 8Mbit (2MBytes=16 Mbits)"
of course it is
"In flash size I put 16Mbit (2MBytes=16 Mbits)"
Title: Re: MOD-WIFI-ESP8266 Reflashing question
Post by: masacate on April 08, 2015, 08:08:45 PM
Just to avoid another one to get crazy.

- The name of the user1.xxxx.new.bin generated after compiling is either:
   user1.512.new.bin (when you select SPI size 512Mb) or user1.1024.new.bin (when you select 1024Mb or 2048 or 4096Mb for you SPI)
   After seen the makefile, it results that although the compiler flags are diffrente for every size, the name for SPI options sizes of 1024 and the bigger ones is the same. It does not create such a file as user1.2048.new.bin or user1.4096.new.bin although you selected it. The name it is always for these big sizes  user1.1024.new.bin.

- My flashing was right, the problem I can not see the ESP8266 working it is that this firmware required to send the AT commnad ending with CR and LF characters, the previous one I used only requiered the CR. I was using the putty console terminal and it send only the CR at the end of the AT command. It worked for the previous version I had but not for this. I use now the Realterm console program that allow me to send the AT command with CR an LF characters at the end of the order and it works
Title: Re: MOD-WIFI-ESP8266 Reflashing question
Post by: masacate on April 08, 2015, 09:55:09 PM
Just to complete the info for the flash program I used (ESP FLASH DOWNLOAD TOOL v
for reflashing my 2MBytes ESP8266 of Olimex

The files and the offsets:

boot_v1.3(b3).bin 0x00000;
user1.1024.new.bin 0x01000;
blank.bin 0x7E000;
blank.bin 0x1FE000;

Flash size:
16 Mbits