A20 programming on Mac

Started by agiuliani, January 04, 2014, 12:22:17 PM

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I would like to develop some automation tasks (only gpio, no lcd needed) on my new A20.
It is possible to develop using a Mac?
If yes, could you please provide me the tools that I need and how to access the bash console of the A20 from there?

Thanks in advance.


Hi agiuliani, are you using Android or debian on the A20? I can only talk for debian here. The simplest thing to do is to setup the debian machine with dhcp (see wiki) or static address (see here) and use ssh to connect to it form OSX terminal.


Hi sanzoghenzo,
yes I use debian on a microSD card. Thanks for the infos for connecting to the a20 console!
Now I need the cross compiler to build code and an IDE to debug it on Mac (via ssh). Any suggestion ?


Short answer: I don't know and I would like to know, too!

Long answer ;) : unfortunately I'm not so good at programming, and I have not tried to build and debug from mac (I have tried to setup toolchains before, but didn't manage to do it successfully even following tutorials :o ). My first workaround would be install a vnc server on debian and use a client on mac, but the processing power will be the one of olinuxino and the GUI can be slow.


Sorry for necroposting, but somebody else with a Mac could benefit from it.
I started using TextWrangler and it has the option to open a file via FTP and SFTP, so if you start sshd on olinuxino you can access any file on it from the mac (assuming you use root credential for the ssh connection).

Happy coding!