Olimex STMP1 SOM - Error starting up

Started by SteffenFuchs, January 29, 2024, 11:53:57 PM

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I don't know if it's the same problem or if I have to create a new topic.

I have random boot error at starting up with SMTP1 LIME.

On thunderstorm power cuts, some boards don't restart.
On 20 STMP157-OLinuXino-LIME2H-EXT (Rev_B) boards in production approximately 5 boards remain frozen (its are distributed in several places so its do not suffer exactly the same power cuts).

I never have this problem when I reboot a board with a "shutdown -r now" (or "shutdown -r 00:00").

I did some tests and after some power cuts, the board stay frozen on :

U-Boot SPL 2021.04+olimex-1-20240312.134658 (Mar 12 2024 - 13:48:01 +0000)
Model: STM32MP1 OLinuXino-LIME
Init AXP209 PMIC
VDD Core set to: 1350 mv

When the board is frozen, the reset button don't help, the error returns.
A quick power cut doesn't help either.
For the error to disappear, the board need to be unplugged several seconds.
Quick power cuts seems to cause the problem every time.

NB : I tried with 1 A and 2 A power supply.


It sounds like the same issue. You can easily test if it is - try the image without AXP initialization just to confirm. If these five boards that never boot, boot with it, then it is the same issue. Image is here:


Contact us at support@olimex.com about the issue with the boards that won't start when power supply is applied.

> Quick power cuts seems to cause the problem every time.

This is expected by design. All boards should fail to start if there was not enough time for the capacitors to discharge. There should be at least 2 seconds between power ups.
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