Olimex Support Forum

DUINO => SHIELDS => Topic started by: danaz on May 27, 2014, 11:26:08 AM

Title: ekg noise reducing code for arduino uno r3
Post by: danaz on May 27, 2014, 11:26:08 AM
I'm interested in creating an external heartbeat output (with a solenoid) that is synced with ekg from the shield-ekg-ecg.
at the moment i'm finding it extremely difficult to get arduino to recognise pulse and reduce all noise.
electric guru was good for visualising the data, were i managed to identify my pulse (with a lot of background noise...).
has anyone written such code for arduino or something similar?
any advice would be great! (I'm pretty new at this so explain me like i'm 5 ;)

Title: Re: ekg noise reducing code for arduino uno r3
Post by: LubOlimex on June 04, 2014, 01:51:20 PM
Hey danaz,

This had been explained before... but:

The easiest way would be to use a laptop that is not connected to the utility power (e.g. gets powered only by the battery).

Use the device in rooms that aren't full of surrounding noises (WIFI, Bluetooth, etc)

It is impossible to reduce the noise only with software. Furthermore, it is impossible to reduce all noise.

Best regards,