A20 And JAVAFX application

Started by nickvanalst, August 25, 2014, 03:01:40 PM

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We recently started development with JavaFX for the A20 boards.

But we are encountering the following problem: if i try to start a javaFX application it won't start because it cannot create a egl window.

I tried resintalling the sunxi-mali drivers from GIT. and there the test application worked without any problems, but with javafx (option -Djavafx.platform=eglfb) gives the following error:

eglcreatewindowsurfacefailed! eglget error 12299
eglMakeCurrentFailed 12297
failed to create EGLdisplaygraphics

it does work when i use -Djavafx.platform=gtk But the gtk platform is a bit limited on javafx (some dynamic transfroms are doing some funny stuf with this option)

Anyone any idea's on how to get this working?

i'm using the last image with HW accelleration and the new java8 JDK from oracle. (has javafx support for ARM).

i really hope i can get this resolved, as we simply cannot utilize all the fancy stuff of javaFX at this moment.

thank you in advanced!



did you solve this problem somehow?

Thanks in advance,
