Ajenti Server Admin Panel works in A20!

Started by megamax, October 14, 2016, 01:17:29 AM

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I'd like to share my experience installing Ajenti into A20 Micro board.
Ajenti is a Server Admin Panel like Webmin (for who know it), it's younger, there is still much to do but it's promising... and it's written in python, than is compatible with a lot of platforms..

I started following the installation guide for raspbian here http://support.ajenti.org/topics/1119-installing-on-raspbian/ but "pip install greenlet==dev" give me an error; i found that is a greenlet bug and is needed install an older version, so the correct procedure is the following:

wget http://repo.ajenti.org/debian/key -O- | apt-key add -
echo "deb http://repo.ajenti.org/debian main main debian" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

apt-get update
apt-get install -y ajenti
apt-get install python-pip
apt-get install python-dev
apt-get install libevent-dev
sudo easy_install -U gevent==1.1b4  #instead of "pip install -U gevent"
pip install greenlet #instead of "pip install greenlet==dev"
pip install -U psutil
/etc/init.d/ajenti restart

The web gui will be avaiable to ip_of_the_board:8000

I hope this information can be useful to someone.
