Shutdown bug in debian release 5

Started by woodward, January 11, 2014, 03:40:44 AM

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Hi All,

There are several "BUG: scheduling while atomic: halt" errors with traces that come out of the debug uart on a "shutdown -h now". Are you guys experiencing this?

Tested with the A20-OLINUXINO-MICRO Rev E, vanilla debian release 5 without any customization, just power plugged into the barrel jack, no display.



I just compiled the latest sunxi kernel 3.4.75+ from the olimex instructions: The instructions are excellent. This problem is no longer there. If you can reproduce the problem, it may be time for an official release 6.

p.s. if you are going to do a new debian release, you should put the symbolic links in /usr/etc to /etc for ts.conf and pointercal. ts_calibrate updates these files in /etc, but the graphical interface uses the ones in /usr/etc. I have to update these every time I do a fresh install. Or maybe there is a way to tell Xorg to use the ones in /etc. Anyway, this would be helpful also. Thanks