A20-OLINUXINO-LIME2 crashes after a few minutes

Started by catchiky, January 09, 2016, 12:48:40 PM

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I received a brand new A20-OLINUXINO-LIME2 yesterday, since then I'm trying to make it work but without success : it work
normally for a few minutes (up to 20 minutes if I really do nothing), then crash (then: only Power led is on, and usually the only
way to get out of this is to rewrite the SD card with a new image).

I tried every firmware possible for A20-OLINUXINO-LIME2 : the Linux and Android official releases recommended by Olimex, but also tried the Legacy jessie armbian and the one I primarly wanted to use, from labriqueinter.net.

For all of these firmwares: I successfully write the image with DD on my Transcend SD 64Go Class10, then it boots successfully on the LIME2 (just this warning: bad CRC using default environnement). Then I can use the card for a few minutes, that is ssh-ing to the system, looking at it with a few commands. But a few minutes after, it will crash (typically trying to run the apt-get, which requires time).

As I get this problems with all the firmwares possible, with as many periphericals plugged as possible (even just: Ethernet, power, without HDMI and USB it will crash), I think it's likely to be a hardware problem.

It anyone could help me to diagnose the problem, thanks, I don't know what I can do more.



Nearly all such problems are power supply.  (Some more are the SD card not really working.)

Some are that the system is going into one of the sleep states i.e. power save.



John, thanks very much for your precious help!

Yes, the power supply is the guilty one : I've removed it, and got the card powered using the USB-OTG port. Now the card looks quite stable whatever the firmware (I even went through a complete apt-get upgrade on armbian, I never could before). Now I let it run for hours to be sure, but I'm confident now.

Olimex, could you please send me a new power supply (mine was brand new, purchased the 07/12 with the card) ?

Thanks to all,
Yann :-)

EDIT : 24 hours uptime, now running a NFS server, everything's fine!!!!!


Might be faster to email their support direct.



Now running for 3 days without any problem !

I've e-mailed Olimex support to ask for a new power supply.

Thanks to all,



I recently purchased A20-OLINUXINO-LIME2, and I'm facing can not boot up problem.


At beginning I was using the power supply "https://www.olimex.com/Products/Power/SY0605E/", I also tried to power the board using USB-OTG port, both can not get it working.

It appears my board is faulty? Will power supply cause damage to the hardware board?

Thanks a lot.


I also had performance issues. It turns out that the rev C of LIME2 has some on board power supply weaknesses. I had to rebuild u-boot with a new DRAM speed configured to 408MHz for the card to run stable. Turns out that the script.fex file is not used to set the dram_clk when running of an sdcard.


I did (on my linux computer):
sudo apt-get install build-essential u-boot-tools binutils-arm-linux-gnueabihf gcc-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabihf-base gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf git wget
also needed:
sudo atp-get install device-tree-compiler
git clone https://github.com/linux-sunxi/u-boot-sunxi.git
Edited the RAM clock in the configuration (clock has to be a multiple of 24):
nano configs/A20-OLinuXino-Lime2_defconfig
make A20-OLinuXino-Lime2_defconfig
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-
Then copied this file to the board:
scp u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin olimex@

On the olimex:
dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1024 seek=8
and reboot

Sorry for this messy post. But I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow but wanted to post in case someone had the same issue.